Welcome! We are so glad you are here!

We know being new in any situation can be intimidating. We want you to know that you are welcome, loved, and appreciated! We hope the answers to these commonly asked questions help you feel even more comfortable to come visit us.

You are welcome at Heartland just as you are. You’ll see ties, dresses, t-shirts, jeans and everything in between. Whatever you’re comfortable wearing is what we want you to wear! We believe that it’s the attitude of your heart that matters to God rather than your physical appearance.

We have a greeter at the entryway and at the Welcome Center at the back of the auditorium.  These friendly individuals can help you find your way around our building.  Please do not hesitate to ask them questions, they are there to help you.


We have a tradition of singing a cappella (without musical instruments).  If you like to sing, please join in!  If you are not familiar with the songs or don’t feel at ease singing, you can just listen.


Jesus prayed extensively and taught his disciples how to pray to God.  We will set aside a few moments in our worship to thank God for his love and pray for those in need.  Feel free to pray yourself, or engage in the prayer of the one who is praying.

Lord's Supper:

Communion is available at designated tables at the four corners of the auditorium and in individually wrapped sets in plastic baggies when you first enter the auditorium.  This practice began as the Jewish Passover feast and Jesus intends the practice for Christians to be a memorial to Him.  The bread symbolizes Jesus’ body He willingly gave on the cross as a sacrifice for sin; the juice symbolizes Jesus’ shed blood.  We use this time to earnestly think about Jesus’ sacrifice together.  Participation, while intended for Christians, is open to anyone.


We will take a moment in our worship to encourage giving from our members to help those in need and to aid in spreading the gospel.  It is a chance for our members to express their faith by sacrificing monetarily.  Guests are under no obligation to give.  We have many avenues for giving - from locked contribution boxes throughout the auditorium, to several online giving options for you to choose from.


Our minister Danny will give us a message that is both Biblical and applicable to our lives today. At the conclusion of the sermon, the minister may offer an open invitation to anyone who wishes to become a Christian to come forward and be baptized.  It is also open to anyone who wishes to share their burdens with those who care and ask for prayer requests.  If you have any of these needs, feel free to walk to the front and speak with the minister or an elder who will be there to assist you.  Feel free to speak privately with our minister or elders after services if you prefer.

Children are always welcome in our assembly! We also offer a nursery with caring providers located downstairs for children from birth to 2 years. Our nursery provides a lovely environment for young children to explore, play, and learn during the worship assembly. We also have a nursing room in the back of the auditorium where mothers can care for their infants.  

At a designated time during the worship assembly, children who are 2 yrs - Kindergarten are invited to Preschool Praise and 1st through 5th grade are invited to Children's Church where they can worship and learn on their level with trusted supervision. Follow the others down the stairs and someone will be glad to assist you. 

Children's Bible Class (2 yrs-5th Grade) - Sundays at 10:45am!

Children's Peak Of the Week (2 yrs-5th Grade) - Wednesdays at 7pm!

Youth Group - Wednesdays at 7pm! Join us in the Koinonia Room for our study through the bible! If you can, arrive at 6:15 with your dinner for fellowship and fun!
Teens have Bible Class every Sunday at 10:45am!

We would love to talk to you more about our church family! Please check out our site for more info on our ministries, activites, and beliefs.  If you would like more information or just need someone to talk to please fill out the contact form below and one of our shepherds or ministers will reach out to you shortly.

Contact Form

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